Monday, October 29, 2007

Health issues at san mateo library

I went to the presentation at san mateo library today about the health issues.
They said that mostly people eat food because it's like a comfort for them in many ways, being bored, weather or any kind of things.
Fast food started in the 1960s and it was the biggest advertisement during that time.
The best way to eat is to slow down during breakfast, to focus on food, have at least 20 minutes to eat, and chew it.
Try to skip the mayo, cheese, and fries as much as possible.
Food, sleep, and physical activity is the main energy of all.
Everyone should set limits on what they eat and balance their food. Eating more fruits and vegetables.
The society today is junk food and no exercise.
You need to have the readiness to change and the parent's involvement.
80% of kids remains diabetes to adulthood.

My reflection on this is I really have to slow down on my junk food eating habit now. It's really scaring me and I don't it to affect my body because of the environment around me. I know that it's really good but I have to learn how to control myself and start eating more vegetables and fruits. I know that I eat the most when i'm wide awake, which is not in the morning but when i watch TV but i have to stop it now. I need to eat the most during breakfast and exercise more.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Common virus may contribute to obesity in some people, new study shows

Scientsits had found new evidence that a common virus can even lead to obesity in United States and also othere countries. "The findings, which could lead to a vaccine or antiviral medication to help fight viral obesity in the future, were presented at the 234th national meeting of the American Chemical Society." To proof that they're one hundred percent sure on this or else they won't come out and tell. They said that not everyone that gets this virus will get obesity and they're also trying to find a way to treat it as soon as possible. They do not know yet that how many people were infected by this virus and leads to obesity. They also do not know how long it remains in our body. What they know is that if animals get this virus, it will be in their body for up to six months. Getting obesity often casues from over eating, eating too much fatty and fast food, not much exercise which leads to heart disease, and other health disorders. They are now trying their best to identify the number of people that got this virus and leads to obesity so that they can find a treat for it and things like this won't have to happen anymore.

That's so scaryyyyyyy!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! ToT

Thursday, October 4, 2007

potato osmosis lab

yesterday we had to do a potato osmosis lab. We had to poke out the potato and put them in different types of containers and afterwards putting them in each solution of sugar water etc.
We'll see what happens to it after we take the test tomorrow. ToT. Test again.

We also got to touch a raw egg because after putting the egg in vinegar, the shell came off and we got to touch to see what it felt like. It felt squishy but the vinegar smell stayed on my hand which wasn't really that nice. XP