Thursday, January 24, 2008


Today in Bio. we had a visitor to come and talk to all us of. Her name is Dr. Louise S. Mead. She's like this expert on evolution, change in species over time or common ancestry or descent with modification, but mostly she's the expert on salamanders.

I found out a lot of amazing things like how most people thinks that god creates human beings within the last 10,000 years or so. But less than 50% of people believed in the evolution of human being.

If i was a commentator, paid to report on events and comment. I think that it was quite interesting because in the beginning, i didn't really know that much about these stuff but after class, i learned a lot of new things. I kind of got confused after a while. It would have been better if she would have brought in real fossils or something like that. Overall, it helped me a lot more to understanding what evolution is really like.

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