Sunday, May 11, 2008

Bio Entrepreneurial Idea Blog Post

I present to you the Healer Container!!!!!
No matter what health problems you have, after you drink this water everyday, the health proble that you have will soon get better. This product varies on the type of illness in you. Even though it looks like normal water but it's not. This container contains many compounds in it to heal you. After you pour water in this container, seal it with the cap for half an hour and drink it. It taste the same as other natural water but it doesn't work the same. Buy and for the benefit of

your lifestyle!! >.<

I know that water is the healthiest drink because it won't do any harm to your body. If there is a way that they can put in compounds that'll make your body heal from anykind of illness then it'd be awesome. Even though just drinking water with more compounds in it won't really heal the illness but it might be able to help out a little. I hope they can come up with something like this one day.

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